Thursday, August 28, 2008
Smart Growth
Hard Life
Song Dynasty
(I'll steal the camera from Dart and take some pictures of Taj's activities so I can update you on his fun stuff soon!)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Market Day
There is also a veggie section to the market which is very nice...MANY types of vegetables, some of which I don't recognize. We mostly get our fruit from a stand by our apartment, and our ayi does a lot of our shopping, so we don't go often, but it is an adventure here.
水銀猫 -- which sounds like ShuiYinMao (quicksilver cat). Our nickname for him is "Chairman Meow".
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Chairman

I have to go to work but I will of course be bragging about him OFTEN so stay tuned!! He's meowing to be fed...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ayis are hired by most teachers, and they are amazing. They cook, clean, do laundry,iron, shop, and take care of just about anything you need. It is mind boggling-- I come home tired after a day at school and this is what awaits us:
The laundry is done, the beds are made, the dishes are clean and put away and if the boys have come home early (or were at home all day on prep days) they are fed. I feel sorta guilty, but boy, I am getting over it REALLY quickly!
We feel especially lucky, because our friends Ron and Nicci who lived in Shekou for 3 years recommended their ayi, Yu Mei, and WE LOVE HER. She is so lovely with the boys, and is teaching them some Chinese. She is fabulously efficient and a good cook.
We will ALL have to work hard to not become completely SPOILED.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Climb Every Mountain...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Living the High Life
We are lucky, because in the neighborhood between our apartment and school, it is pretty sparse and we have big shady sidewalks, so we never feel crowded or claustrophobic!!
Beach Boys
The day was hot and clear and there was a nice ocean breeze. You can really see the rise in wealth for many Chinese families: they were enjoying para-sailing, a HUGE zip line (probably 100 metres long), nice open air restaurants, and souvenir shops.
Adults Only

I suddenly realize that we have just sent them to visit a store whose first three letters (starting with S) are hidden from view!!! NOT KID FRIENDLY, if you get the gist.
Our friends thought this was the funniest thing EVER and we were all, including the kids, cracking up for the rest of the night every time we'd think of this. Our boys were VERY cool about the whole episode, we thought.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lost in Translation
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Feet!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Patching the Sky

"As Goddess of Creation, she molded yellow mud into a figure in her likeness, the figure then came alive and was the first human being. She then created more figures, both male and female, and these too came to life."1
Monday, August 11, 2008
China Olympics
It was great...we were all watching together and you could FEEL the pride these folks have in the spectacular show their country gave the world.
On our walk home, many restaurants had big TVs out on the sidewalk and all the diners were watching together. It was very communal.
Here is one of the fish dishes (and it was SOME fish!!) Jaya and I shared. It was DELICIOUS.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Paint the Town (or just our room)!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Go Fish!
Their portraits for your enjoyment:
and last but not least....Al G. Eater:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cookin' With Gas!
Here is a shot of our little kitchen, which is great despite its small size; I am enjoying its compact usability.
There are no ovens here...the Chinese don't really bake, so our toaster oven is all we have for baking. We'll make do, although Taj LOVES to bake and is a little bummed!
Another kinda funny kitchen thing: they have a few skillets and saucepans at the local Walmart, but about 35 different kinds of woks! I LOVE our wok...I use it for everything now.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Juicy Fruit
This is a sampling of what we had for breakfast the other day: mango, a type of lychee (little brown ones), plum and mangosteen (the white center).
It is making our resolution to eat more healthily easier!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Dart has really gotten it looking so great, and without a car, it has been a bit of an adventure, getting soil and plants and tools home.
A few days ago, Dart came home on Taj's new bike, with a kid from a nearby nursery carrying a huge bag of soil on his mo-ped! It was quite a sight, and Taj got it "on film"...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Last night, at a tiny little corner dive 2 blocks from our apt., we used sign language and pointing to have one of the yummiest dinners we've had EVER. You pick your veggies and your meat (raw) and they cook it and bring it out to you with rice. It was truly DELICIOUS, and as you can see, Jaya enjoyed it a bunch!