Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Market Day

Up the road from us is an open air market that really boggles the mind. There is EVERY kind of meat that you can imagine (yes, there are dogs) and live animals, as you can see! Let's just say that you DON'T want to wear sandals or flip flops to this place.

There is also a veggie section to the market which is very nice...MANY types of vegetables, some of which I don't recognize. We mostly get our fruit from a stand by our apartment, and our ayi does a lot of our shopping, so we don't go often, but it is an adventure here.

1 comment:

Island Girls said...

Hi Suji!! Betty LaPrade told me about this blog -- Alex will love to look at it. I have to move the skype to a different computer, then Alex will email Taj the details. He sure does miss Taj. Anything "American" Taj or you guys want that we can mail???
